Happy New Years! So I did terrible this past year in writing more as I only posted two blog posts. However, looking back, those two posts sum up a lot of where my life has been in the past year. I focused this past year on my career and my marriage. I am happy to say that my three jobs have continued to go well and although I am still in a learning stage, I feel more comfortable in all the positions and look forward to going to work and finding ways to use my skills creatively and learning a lot in the process. I have not been as involved with outside work, such as the Elkhart-Goshen Sanctuary Coalition, but give myself grace as I learn to find a work/life balance. I give myself grace as in the past year, I have learned how to do four different jobs as well as feel more like an adult as Jon and I continue to work on renovating our house and all the adult things that come with home ownership and marriage.
Jon and I continue to grow in our relationship. It is quite amazing to me how we learn new things about each other all the time and this only grows our love. He is truly my best friend and I often forgo other social events in order to just stay home with him. We continue to love to eat good food together, have deep conversations, make up silly songs, and even clean the house together. I am so thankful for a true partner in this life. In September we celebrated our one year wedding anniversary by traveling to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and then Asheville, North Carolina. After talking about our love of camping on our first date we finally were able to camp together! We had so much fun going on adventures and listening to music in the car. We loved being in the Appalachian Mountains, but I look forward to going back to Colorado next summer for vacation.
But this post is about more than the past year, but about the past decade. And what a decade it has been! I thought it would be fun to write down just a glimpse of what has happened since 2009....
-Graduated from South Adams High School in Berne, Indiana
-Graduated from college with a BA in History from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA
-Graduated from seminary with an MDiv from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, IN
-Lived in 3 states: Ohio, Virginia, and Indiana
-Visited 25 countries other than the United States
-Lived for 1 year in Europe (4 months in Belgium, 8 months in Croatia)
-Got married
-Bought my first house
-Worked 15 different jobs, including my current positions
It has been quite a decade for me! It is crazy the path my life has taken. I would have never imagined that I would be living in Indiana ten years ago, but there is no place I would rather be at this point in my life. I am so grateful for all the experiences that I have had and hope that this next decade will be just as full of adventure and love.
Before I end this post, I want to publicly write my New Year's Resolutions to create accountability and have them posted for when I write again next New Years. This year I plan to run/walk 500 miles. I plan to read at least one book a month (after not reading very little since grad school). I plan to be more organized, especially by opening and sorting mail at least weekly. I plan to write more by sending 50 letters or postcards (let me know if you want to receive mail)! I also plan to connect more with old friends by talking on the phone at least once a week (let me know if you want to catch up)! I am excited to see where these goals take me and the way I can connect more with myself and others in the coming year. Until next time.
Jon and I continue to grow in our relationship. It is quite amazing to me how we learn new things about each other all the time and this only grows our love. He is truly my best friend and I often forgo other social events in order to just stay home with him. We continue to love to eat good food together, have deep conversations, make up silly songs, and even clean the house together. I am so thankful for a true partner in this life. In September we celebrated our one year wedding anniversary by traveling to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and then Asheville, North Carolina. After talking about our love of camping on our first date we finally were able to camp together! We had so much fun going on adventures and listening to music in the car. We loved being in the Appalachian Mountains, but I look forward to going back to Colorado next summer for vacation.
But this post is about more than the past year, but about the past decade. And what a decade it has been! I thought it would be fun to write down just a glimpse of what has happened since 2009....
-Graduated from South Adams High School in Berne, Indiana
-Graduated from college with a BA in History from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA
-Graduated from seminary with an MDiv from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, IN
-Lived in 3 states: Ohio, Virginia, and Indiana
-Visited 25 countries other than the United States
-Lived for 1 year in Europe (4 months in Belgium, 8 months in Croatia)
-Got married
-Bought my first house
-Worked 15 different jobs, including my current positions
It has been quite a decade for me! It is crazy the path my life has taken. I would have never imagined that I would be living in Indiana ten years ago, but there is no place I would rather be at this point in my life. I am so grateful for all the experiences that I have had and hope that this next decade will be just as full of adventure and love.
Before I end this post, I want to publicly write my New Year's Resolutions to create accountability and have them posted for when I write again next New Years. This year I plan to run/walk 500 miles. I plan to read at least one book a month (after not reading very little since grad school). I plan to be more organized, especially by opening and sorting mail at least weekly. I plan to write more by sending 50 letters or postcards (let me know if you want to receive mail)! I also plan to connect more with old friends by talking on the phone at least once a week (let me know if you want to catch up)! I am excited to see where these goals take me and the way I can connect more with myself and others in the coming year. Until next time.