The classes I plan on taking (to be finalized once I am there) are: International Law, European Peace and Security Studies- a Brussel's Perspective, Elementary French I, Belgium for Beginners, and a European Studies class where I study the history of Bruge, Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, and Amsterdam by going on field trips! I also hope to obtain an internship.
I really look forward to this opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture and meet a lot of new people! I am especially looking forward to living with my host family. I have an American mom, a Dutch dad, and three host siblings, ages 4, 6, and 8. I am also living with two other American girls also studying at Vesalius. One of my first weekends there, I am actually going with my host family to Paris to get to know them better and babysit the kids while the parents attend a conference.
If you would like to send me letters while I am abroad you can address it to me at my host family:
C/O Mosieur et Madame et Pouw-Roll,
Avenue Victor Gilsoul 74,
1200 Bruxelles, Belgique.
Any packages would need to be sent to:
BCA- K. Caenen (in courtesy of J. Schmidt),
Vesalius College/ VUB, Pleinlaan 5,
1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Also, any emails would also be much appreciated!
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