It feels like forever since I was in the Middle East, exploring ancient ruins. My return back to the United States was kind of tumultuous and instead of being able to continue processing what happened on my trip, I thrown into a new, very busy semester, the end of my first relationship, and trying to recover from jet lag and some bug I picked up while in Egypt. Then, after feeling like I was finally better from that first week back, I just got caught up in the busyness of life. But I realize that I need to reflect on what happened, partly because I have a paper due on Egypt that I have barely started, but also because it is an unfinished part of the journey. When I travel, I want to be able to come home changed from what I have seen and done. This change takes reflecting on the good and hard parts. As I wrote over a month ago, my time in Turkey was amazing. However, I struggled in Egypt. Below are some reflections on the change of identity I felt when I traveled to Egypt.
One of the
reasons I love to travel is that travel brings out new parts of my own identity
that I have not been aware of before. Every trip is different and every time I
am in a new place, I learn more about myself. Egypt was no exception to this.
However, my reflections of my identity in Egypt are largely connected to my
experiences in Turkey, where I had spent two weeks before arriving in Cairo. In
Turkey, I lived into the identity of an independent, world traveler. This is an
identity I have developed over the past five years as I have lived abroad and
done a lot of traveling. Often this travel has been done with one or two close
friends where we decide what we want to do and see and independently make a
trip happen. I arrived in Istanbul with only a vague plan of what I wanted to
see and do. I was met at the airport by my college friend Bekah and we spent
our first three days staying with a friend I had met on another trip in her
parent’s small flat and from these making a plan of other places in the country
we wanted to visit. We spent the two weeks, making life up as we went and
taking time to try to immerse within the Turkish culture. We would talk to
locals as much as possible, participating in traditional meals, and drinking a
lot of tea with the people we met. We also took the time to reflect on our time
and our lives back home. Our theme song was “A Whole New World,” from Aladdin,
with our favorite lyrics being, “No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say
we’re only dreaming.” I felt myself open up in Turkey as I reveled in the
freedom of unscheduled days spent exploring, chatting, and simply being. This
would be a contrast to my time in Egypt.
other major way my time in Turkey influenced my time in Egypt was the
occurrence of a suicide bombing in Istanbul on my last day in Turkey. Bekah and
I were not in Istanbul at the time, but the bombing occurred at the main
tourist square in Istanbul, where we had been only a week before. The suicide
bomber intentionally targeted a group of tourists. This news came as a shock and
we felt our sense of safety violated. Although we had been aware of political
struggles in the country and the region, Bekah and I were in Turkey as tourists
on vacation. I knew that some sort of attack could be possible, especially
after the attacks in Paris in the fall, but I did not think that anything would
actually happen when I was gone. All of a sudden the world did not feel like a
safe place. As I traveled the next day to Cairo by myself, I found myself
feeling scared and insecure in the world. I no longer felt like a confident,
independent traveler. I arrived in Egypt not knowing what my identity was as I
was confronted with a new environment and unmet expectations.
sense of an unsafe world was heightened with my arrival to Cairo. My group had been
warned that there could be a lot of government tourist police with us as we
traveled to make sure we stayed safe, but I had not expected the level of
security we had. An armed security guard was on our tour bus at almost all
times. Often times our bus would have a police escort as we moved through Cairo
traffic. There was always people in the lobby of our hotel and they would not
let us leave the hotel in big groups and would send security with us even if it
was just a couple us. There was also military on the street and security guards
with huge guns seemed to be everywhere. Although the security is meant to
protect us as tourists and keep stability within the country, it scared me
because it reminded me that the world is not a safe place and that there are
people there who wanted to harm me. My identity as a white foreigner was
brought to the forefront. This is an identity I have struggled with, as I do
not like to be defined by American politicians and how the media portrays
Americans. I strongly disagree with American foreign policy and the
consumerist, individualistic culture that people associate with the United
States. However, at the same time
I am a white, privileged American. This is a part of my identity that I cannot
control or change.
identity as a white tourist in Egypt was also different than this experience in
Turkey. In Turkey, I was able to stay with a local host the first couple of
days and then the rest of the trip, Bekah and I stayed very cheaply at hostels.
We were in tourist places and seen as tourists, but we were not extravagant in
our travels and tried to go to local spots and even tried to learn Turkish in
order to be immersed in the culture. In Egypt, we stayed at fancy hotels and
stayed within our group most of the time. A lot of this had to do with
logistics and costs. I understand this, but the transition from a seven-dollar
hostel room that included Internet and breakfast to fancy hotel rooms changed
the way I saw my identity. I really struggled with what I saw as extravagance
and also the distance I felt from the Egyptian people. I was on buses and
train, in restaurants and tourist sites with other tourists, mostly from North
America. While in Turkey, I saw myself as someone engaging in the culture as a
conscientious tourist, in Egypt I saw myself as a Western tourist paying to see
a local culture, but remaining at a distance in order to stay comfortable. I
regret that this was the case and that I did not have discussions early on in
the trip to find ways to combat these feelings and find better ways to engage
within the structure of the tour group. However, our schedule was busy and I
did not take the necessary time to reflect on my identity and the ways I felt I
was encountering and being encountered by Egypt. I was also frustrated by the
lack of freedom that occurred because I was traveling with a planned tour
group. I also tend to not like large groups and became shy and uncomfortable at
many times during the trip. All these feelings and my inner struggle with my
identity both as a tourist and as a member of a large tour group influenced the
ways I experienced the identity of the Egyptians I encountered.
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